27 November 2010

The first post

It's often said that, when writing, the first line is always the most difficult. Luckily for me, though, I'm literally about to start my last week as a bachelor. In exactly seven days and 11 minutes, on December 4th, your humble narrator will be tying the knot at Kew Gardens, London, with the beautiful and inspirational Ms Valentina.

People often talk of wedding jitters before the Big Day and, although I must admit to experiencing some butterflies when thinking about the day, overall, I just can't wait for it to begin. Anyone who's played their part in an important match or performance or such will recognize the feeling: I just want to go out there now and do it. In this case, the event is the rest of my life - but my luck is doubled by having the most amazing fianceé - this takes any pressure away because I know it will be sweet. 

So with that, the metaphorical champagne bottle is shattered on the hull of this blog. Welcome to any and all who might come across it - and all comments most welcome.

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